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Meet Our King of Connections: Tim!

For the next instalment of our Inside IMS series, we shine the spotlight on Tim Wadeson, our Senior Controls Specialist, whose tenure at IMS began with a three-month contract that blossomed into a remarkable 22-year career.

Back when IMS was in its formative stages, Tim was already making waves. Even before officially joining us, he collaborated closely with the team to connect the IMS platform to a refrigeration monitoring system designed by his then-employer. His deep knowledge and ability to share his expertise were pivotal in enabling the first successful implementation of BSI technology in retail refrigeration. Achieving this over two decades ago was a remarkable feat, showcasing the innovative spirit and technical prowess that have always defined IMS.
After the company he worked for was acquired by a large hardware player, a timely recommendation to IMS Evolve’s founder, Frank Jones, brought Tim officially into the IMS fold, and as they say, the rest is history.
“I started at IMS on a three-month contract, doing exactly what I do now. That was twenty-two years ago! Obviously, the equipment has changed a lot over the years, and so my knowledge and approach has had to evolve alongside, but the challenges remain the same.” Tim recalls.
One of the fundamentally unique features of our solution and approach is that IMS can connect and communicate with any machines and equipment that our customers already have in place. This allows us to integrate our IoT software and start driving efficiencies and value across their operations and machine management. This makes our solution a low cost, low barrier approach to adopting cutting-edge technology.
Tim is one of the key team members making this possible. His expertise ensures that our solution communicates seamlessly with a myriad of equipment and systems, which is pivotal to the core of the IMS’s product.
Tim explains: “At IMS, we say we ‘don’t care what control systems you use; we’ll talk to it.’ Well – that’s me making that happen! I also help both my colleagues and our customers understand what we can derive from different systems and how we can make the best use of the data we get.”
By demystifying complex data for both colleagues and customers, Tim fosters confidence in our systems’ capabilities, and his hands-on approach and support fortify customer trust, ensuring they fully leverage the benefits of our technology.
The dynamic nature of his work means Tim’s role at IMS is highly reactive, often requiring him to pivot from his planned activities. “My role is fairly reactive, so I might start the day with a plan of activity, but this plan normally goes out the window after an hour or two! I might start with integrating new equipment data but quickly need to shift to guiding customers through installations, consulting with manufacturers, analysing system efficiency, or resolving installation issues.”
This adaptability ensures that IMS can meet and exceed customer expectations which only showcases the versatility and importance of Tim’s work.
“I am part of the IoT team which consists of IMS’s subject matter experts from multiple fields. There isn’t much that, between us, we don’t know. But I must admit, I enjoy problem solving so when we are presented with a new challenge, there is great satisfaction in finding the solution!”
IMS provides the perfect environment for Tim’s analytical mind, and though the reduced travel to and from the office has been a silver lining since COVID ignited a remote work culture at IMS, he admits to missing the frequent in-person camaraderie with colleagues. Luckily, an IMS social event is never too far round the corner!
Tim’s goal is straightforward yet profound: to continue doing what he loves for as long as possible. His dedication and passion are a testament to his invaluable role at IMS.
Outside of work, Tim’s life is vibrant and filled with music. “Music is my first love. Not so much writing it anymore but playing in front of people.”
Alongside his wife Meg, he runs a local music studio that doubles as an instrument repair shop. Over lockdown, this venture flourished, combining Tim’s love for music with his entrepreneurial spirit. Other passions include motorcycling, fishing, and restoring old vehicles, highlighting his embrace for life, rich with hobbies and hands-on projects.
Tim exemplifies the talent and dedication that drive IMS forward, and we feel lucky and honoured to have had his knowledge, kind-hearted nature – and humour – around the office for over 22 years. Long may it continue!